“Unexpected Encounters: Emma Watson Offers Life Coaching Services for $2 While Using an iPad at Grand Central Station”

Emma Watson, known for her global feminist book club, recently left copies of her favorite books in public places like the New York subway and a London book club as part of a project. This time, she was seen in Grand Central Station in NYC, using an iPad to give advice to unsuspecting passers-by. The 26-year-old Harry Potter star was filming a secret project with journalist and author Derek Blasberg in the bustling station.

Agony aunt for the day! Emma Watson was spotted giving advice to lucky passers-by via an iPad in Grand Central Station, New York City earlier this week

Emma Watson played the role of an agony aunt in Grand Central Station, New York City recently. Passers-by were treated to her advice through an iPad booth, with one excited fan sharing the experience on Twitter. Derek was there holding up the iPad displaying Emma’s image, offering advice for $2 as per the sign. Some fans got the chance to chat with Emma, and a camera crew caught the interactions on film.

Caught in the act: The Harry Potter star, 26, was filming a mystery project with high profile journalist and author Derek Blasberg in the middle of the station

Caught in the moment: The 26-year-old actor from Harry Potter was spotted filming a secret project at the station with well-known journalist and writer Derek Blasberg.

In action: Derek could be seen standing underneath a sign reading, 'Advice from Emma Watson $2', holding up an iPad broadcasting Emma's image

There was Derek, stationed beneath a sign that said, ‘Want advice from Emma Watson? Just $2’, as he held up an iPad displaying Emma’s image. Someone else posted on social media, “Emma Watson giving out life advice in grand central station.” This 26-year-old actress is known for sharing her wisdom and enthusiasm with others, like when she left copies of Maya Angelou’s autobiography Mom & Me & Mom for commuters to discover in London and New York City. These efforts were all part of her international feminist book club, Our Shared Self.

Book lover: The 26-year-old star is no stranger to imparting her passion and knowledge with people, previously leaving copies of Maya Angelou's autobiography Mom & Me & Mom for commuters in London and NYC to find and read

A fan of books: The 26-year-old celebrity enjoys sharing her love for literature with others, having previously placed copies of Maya Angelou’s autobiography Mom & Me & Mom in public places in London and New York for people to discover and enjoy.

Fun-filled project: The venture on both sides of the pond was part of her global feminist book club Our Shared Self

Exciting project: Being a part of the global feminist book club Our Shared Self on both sides of the Atlantic was a delightful experience. Emma has been an enthusiastic UN Women Goodwill Ambassador since 2014 and a dedicated supporter of the HeForShe campaign, which works towards gender equality. Emma Watson faced criticism for her advocacy work, being labeled a ‘white privileged feminist’ who inadvertently perpetuated the oppression of women. The backlash hit her hard, causing a blow to her self-esteem and leading to a ’24-hour sulk’. In an interview with ELLE magazine, Emma revealed that she had to toughen up in the face of the intense criticism that followed her feminist stance. Despite the challenges, she found the strength to overcome the negativity and continue her advocacy for gender equality.

Multi-talented: Emma has also been a passionate UN Women Goodwill Ambassador since 2014, and a staunch campaigner for the HeForShe campaign that aims to promote gender equality

Emma is a versatile individual who has been serving as a dedicated UN Women Goodwill Ambassador since 2014. She is a strong advocate for the HeForShe campaign, which works towards advancing gender equality.

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